Buying a car or a house without Riba (interest)

12:30 AM at 12:30 AM

Website - MeccaCentric - producing videos about Islam and Muslims on DVD. Islamic lectures, speeches, lectures and sermons and audio CDs. on the theme "Challenges for Muslims in America" by Jamal Badawi total length of purchase or call 1-800-607-9810 http Conference Another serious concern for Muslims in America is examined in detail by Dr. Badawi. It provides options for the three major economic challenges: selling things that are forbidden, theQuestion of RIBA (which is the same interest), and the issue of insurance. Then, briefly in the following areas: RIBA indirect savings plans and pensions, student loans, work in a bank, and the interest accumulated in bank accounts. Other topics: car rental, rent a house to pay for Islam, but for other, non-Muslims and their argument for interest, paying over time (deferred payment) and equipment rental.