Ivan Canas: As predicted George W. Bush has destroyed the USA. We are witnessing the abatement of the US. Please apprehend the added 'section info' and apprehend the 'more advice area at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxpCkhyhOL8

11:30 PM at 11:30 PM

By Veronica Smith AFP - Monday, September 22 02:45 am WASHINGTON (AFP) - US Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson urged Congress to swiftly adopt an unprecedented 700-billion-dollar financial rescue plan, deflecting calls from Democrats for measures to help at-risk homeowners. President George W. Bush's administration has demanded lawmakers move quickly on the plan unveiled Friday to address the gravest financial crisis since the Great Depression, warning that the economy could collapse without prompt action. "We need this to be clean and quick and we need to get it in place," Paulson said in an ABC television interview. The Treasury secretary also said the United States was pressing other countries to forge bailouts for their financial institutions similar to the rescue plan. "I'm also going to be pressing our colleagues around the world to design similar programs for their banks and institutions when they are appropriate," Paulson said in a television interview on Fox News Sunday. US financial authorities have been working closely with their counterparts in Europe and Japan over the past 10 days to prevent a collapse of the global financial system. The Bank of Japan said Monday it had injected another 1.5 trillion yen (14 billion dollars) into money markets as stocks in Japan opened sharply higher. The Japanese central bank injected 11 trillion yen into the system last week. Paulson said the US bailout plan would also cover non-US institutions with operations in the United ...
