You Are Worth More Then Your Credit Score.flv

6:30 AM at 6:30 AM

It's time to let go of the shame and secrecy around your credit score because the fact is 1/3 of 220 million Americans have a low score. Several million more don't even have one which is seen as just as bad. In this video, I make the case that the credit score is a weapon utilized by individuals and companies who have found a legitimate way to charge millions of citizens who are already experiencing tough times and are underprivileged even more money or even deny them essential services such as housing, utilities, insurance, jobs, etc. These are the same citizens that are supposedly protected under the laws that make it a criminal offense to overcharge and deny services on the basis on race, religion, gender, etc. (notice, I'm calling them "citizens" and not "consumers" as economists love to call us. Consumers is such a horrid word!! The credit score is deadly to one's spirit because it reduces us to number and makes people live in fear and shame when they choose to pay for their housing, food and medical care (and their children's) instead of their credit card debt. Most people aren't seeking to purchase items without paying for them. Most people these days know the evils of credit cards but are faced with the fact they can't raise their score unless they agree to get a card and put themselves into debt. If they can't raise their score, they are denied a place to rent, a rental car, a mortgage, even basic utility services or auto insurance or a job. This constitutes ...